
to my blog, Connect thru Love. My postings will be about changing the parenting paradigm from consequences and control, which do NOT, I believe, have long term effects on behavior, to a love based teaching/living model. And what i appreciate most about this model, even from my very right-brained perspective, is that it is based on neuroscience and what and how the brain processes experiences. And though I am a therapist, when I work with families who are encountering difficult behaviors in their children, I am an educator and a coach to the parents.

I invite you to not only read, but to comment and ask questions regarding behaviors you are encountering with your children. And if you are a teacher, counselor/therapist, or case manager, I would love to hear from you as well.

To ask a question, please email me at connecthrulove@gmail.com
or simply post it in the comment section.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Loss, Abandonment, Grief, New Families, Newly Reunited Families

Holidays!  They conjure up many, many images and along with how those images are conjured up come memories.  For some, perhaps for many these are joyful and loving memories and for some, perhaps many these memories are painful and the images are triggers.  The memories conscious and unconscious that come along with sights, sounds, smells, touch are the triggers.  When you find your children, (bio, foster, adopted)  "acting out" their behavior is signaling that they are in distress.  And it isn't because they don't want a visit from Santa, or the Chanukah dreidel they are dysregulated and no amount of threatening, cajoling, consequenting will change their behavior in the long run.  They might shape up for a couple of minutes, hours or if you are lucky a whole day or two.  But, the outrageous, unacceptable behaviors will continue.

Here are some suggestions to make the holidays more peaceful for your family:

1.    Window of Tolerance
Be mindful of your own tolerance level for chaos, mess, unpredictability and just the overall stress of holiday spending, preparation, drain on your mental and physical energy.  Keep it in check by not overbooking, not overspending, and most of all keeping your expectations of yourself always in the forefront of your plans.

Consider your child’s window of tolerance and don’t overplan for him, don’t keep him up late, don’t use the “you’d better be good or…” routine because it will only increase the level of stress narrowing the window and almost guaranteeing a meltdown. 
2.    Time In
Instead of putting your child in time out, bring her into you.  Let her know it is all too much and you understand.  By bringing her next to you, instead of sending her off by herself to “think about what she has done” at a time when her brain is unable to thing, you will be helping her to calm.  You will be letting her know that you know it is all too much for her and you are helping to slow it all down.

3.    Be Proactive
Predict when your child might be about to lose it and scoop him up and suggest getting some air together, even if you are in the middle of a sing along; even if the turkey has just been brought to the table.  If there are three events planned for the celebration and by the second one, your child is whining and tattling (yes, even your 14 year old…remember when we stress, we regress) say that you are calling it a day.  Do not use this as a way of consequenting, but as a loving way of understanding that he just cannot tolerate another celebration.

4.    You Can’t Always Be There
Keep in mind that there will be times, that you can’t be where your child is when her window of tolerance begins to slam shut.  Know that she is doing the best that she can at that moment and so are you.

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