
to my blog, Connect thru Love. My postings will be about changing the parenting paradigm from consequences and control, which do NOT, I believe, have long term effects on behavior, to a love based teaching/living model. And what i appreciate most about this model, even from my very right-brained perspective, is that it is based on neuroscience and what and how the brain processes experiences. And though I am a therapist, when I work with families who are encountering difficult behaviors in their children, I am an educator and a coach to the parents.

I invite you to not only read, but to comment and ask questions regarding behaviors you are encountering with your children. And if you are a teacher, counselor/therapist, or case manager, I would love to hear from you as well.

To ask a question, please email me at connecthrulove@gmail.com
or simply post it in the comment section.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Best Gift of the Season

The best lasting gift that you can give to your child this holiday season is your time...if you want to strengthen your relationship with your child, if you want to double the fun, extend the love try the Post prescription of 10-20-10. You give your child 10 minutes of quality time every morning before he goes to school (perhaps when you wake him up, you rub his back sitting on his bed and just being there while he wakes up...being present with him); give him 20 minutes when he comes home from school or when you get home from work...20 minutes of just being together, talking about his day, your day, the dog, the snow, the call from Grandma; and then 10 minutes of your time in the evening before bed perhaps reading together, playing with the dog, listening to a song you both like or you know he likes. Did you know that the national average of time that most parents in the US spend with each of their children is only 10 minutes/day? Do this "affection prescription" and you will have given your child 4 times the national average.

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