I heard a terrific analogy on an interview tape with Juli Alvarado of www.coaching-forlife.com and it just spoke to me. The analogy is how trauma is like cellulitis. Cellulitis is a bacterial infection that causes blotching, redness, swelling, and tenderness to the skin. The rash can be treated with patches, but if the underlying infection is not treated with antibiotics, the results can possibly be life threatening. The analogy to trauma is that if trauma is left unexpressed, unprocessed, and misunderstood, the results can potentially be as life threatening as cellulitis. And it is because trauma resides in the very cells of our bodies, that cognitive behavioral therapies are just patches whereby some behaviors may be kept in check, but unless a child is helped through emotional regulation, the trauma has the capacity to destroy.
Elaine Spicer
"healing is a process; change is an outcome;" and parenting is a journey